We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions with the corresponding answers for you. For further questions please contact our technical support.


How does automation work with 2D vs. 3D calculations using RadCalc AIR (Automated Import and Reporting)?

Can I use RadCalc remotely, from my home office?

What about RadCalc 3D EPID Dosimetry?

Does RadCalc support VMAT solutions of other vendors like Varian RapidArc, Pinnacle's SmartArc, and others?

How can I send DICOM plans to RadCalc?

Subscription and support

How can I reduce the upfront spending?

What payment options do I have?

What is included in RadCalc software support?

How can RadCalc assist my clinical physics team in the implementation and validation process?

What steps does your customer success team take to ensure seamless integration of AAPM Task Group recommendations (218, 219, 307) into our clinic's patient QA program while minimizing time and resource investments?

Supported modalities

Does RadCalc support Brachytherapy?

Does RadCalc support CyberKnife?

Does RadCalc support Superficial calculations?

Hardware and other requirements

For 3D dose volume calculations, do I need special computer hardware?

What are the physics data input requirements for RadCalc?

What are the hardware requirements for Version 7.3 and above?

What physics data is required for RadCalc?

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